Monday, March 5, 2012

Ten Things that Make Me Really Happy Right Now.

  1. Little baby girl is kicking!! (right now as I type, in fact!)
  2. It was the most beautiful, warm day today. Karylee and I took Sandra to the park and it was perfect.
  3. A great game of crazy rummy even though I super lost with over 600 points.
  4. Dan and I can text and talk on the phone throughout the day even though he’s 2,102 miles away from me.
  5. I am actually feeling creative and working on some art projects
  6. My book for book club is waiting on hold for me at the library and I’ll have something to read on my trip!
  7. I’m leaving on my trip in almost exactly 48 hours.
  8. These boards on Pinterest. Is it just me or is every pin amazing?
  9. Things are getting crossed off my to-do list!
  10. I had broccoli with dinner tonight. Fulfilling a crazy craving is quite rewarding.

This list started out as only five things, but I have so much to be happy about it turned into ten! Life is quite wonderful right now. I’m so lucky. 

Picture from Here!

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