Tuesday, February 28, 2012

25 things about Dan on his 25th Birthday

To celebrate this momentous birthday, here’s a little list of things that you may or may not know about Daniel. Here’s one thing I know for sure though, I’m really happy that he’s in my life and that he makes it so happy.
  1. Dan will only eat his cereal dry, unless he’s on vacation where he’ll always eat Froot Loops and milk.
  2. Dan has broken both arms twice (and both left and right at the same time once)
  3. Dan is scoutmaster over the 12 and 13 year-olds in our ward. I think it’s payback for all the grief he caused his scoutmasters back in the day! 
  4. Dan totally had an afro in high school. Our kids are going to have the curliest hair.
  5. Dan loves finding interesting trees when he’s out and about on adventures– he thinks they’re the coolest things ever. 
  6. Dan loves little kids and is a really great Uncle. Alastor and Sandra think he’s pretty awesome. Alastor gets our names mixed up and sometimes calls him “Candace”, though. I think he’ll be a pretty great Dad too. 
  7. The first car Dan owned was a genuine Police Interceptor Ford Crown Victoria. He loved it. 
  8. Dan’s never had braces or glasses and he still has his tonsils.
  9. Dan’s favorite Ben & Jerry’s Flavor is Half Baked and he usually eats the whole pint in one sitting.
  10. Dan was valedictorian of his high school class.
  11. Dan is the 2nd of four boys but is the 3rd tallest. His family is quite tall. 
  12. It’s really hard for Dan to not be busy. As a result, our house is really organized and (when the weather is good) our yard is really well taken care of.
  13. Dan is quite the romantic, he’ll often leave me little notes around the house when he leaves to go out of town. They’re really cute and he always signs them “Love, Dan W”
  14. Dan loves Smash Burger and J Dawgs. Both of which we’re eating at as part of his birthday celebration. 
  15. Dan has been to England, Scotland and Wales. He always likes to rub it in that he’s been to Abbey Road and I haven’t. Someday, Daniel! Someday!
  16. Dan was supposed to be born on April 1st. The April Fool’s joke was that he was born in February instead! 
  17. Dan is super good at “Three Line Drawings”. I’ll scribble three lines on a page and he’ll make them into a funny picture. We often do these on the backs of the programs at church. They’re pretty cool, usually.
  18. Dan loves Devils’ Food Chocolate Cake without frosting.  
  19. Dan is dead-set on having three kids. No more. No less.
  20. Even though he doesn't play video games very often, he’s really good at Super Smash Bros. and always plays with my brother, Sam when we visit them.
  21. Dan prefers Six Flags over Disneyland. But still takes me to Disneyland anyway. 
  22. The thing Dan wants most right now is probably a historical plaque for the front of our house.
  23. Dan would drink a chocolate milkshake everyday if he could (and if I made them for him, I guess). 
  24. Dan’s musical tastes have changed a lot over the years – he was a metal head in high school, liked underground hip-hop in college and is now dabbling in folksy-Americana-bluegrass-style music.
  25.  Dan makes me really happy and we have a pretty great life together! 
Happy Birthday Dan! I love you!


  1. What an awesome idea to do 25 facts about Dan on his 25th birthday! I liked this post a lot! Happy Birthday, Dan!

  2. Awesome post Candace! I think Dan is awesome too. I'm glad I can be friends with both of you!

  3. This is super cute Candy, Happy Birthday Dan! And I remember Dan wanting that plaque almost a year ago when I saw you guys--better get on it!

  4. His 26th birthday is nearing. I have the perfect idea for his upcoming birthday. Since he loves finding interesting trees and being a scoutmaster during his younger years, you should throw him an outdoor catered dinner party. How does this sound to you? =D

    Neva Modzelewski
