Monday, February 20, 2012

This is what my kitchen looks like right now...

 Yep, so after a year of turning the kitchen light on and off at the breaker box, we're installing a proper light switch. The previous owners decided to cut the wall in half (in order to let in more light? we're not really sure) and in doing so, the light switch, the outlet for the refrigerator and pretty much the power for the whole kitchen were compromised. The fridge is still plugged into an extension cord but that's the least of our worries right now! Soon we're going to have a real light switch, a finished wall and probably even a cute little chalk board over that breaker box. It'll be SO much nicer than switching the breaker every time we need some light! 

No cooking in here! Looks like we're having cereal for dinner! 

It's hard to tell, but Dan is standing on a ladder propped up on the stairs that go down to the cellar. Super unsafe but it's a tricky area to work in. He really should be wearing a hard hat or something for this kind of construction! He's so brave and turning into quite the do-it-yourself handy man! 

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