Sunday, February 19, 2012

the story of the rocking chair and the part where we tell you what we're thinking of naming baby girl.

Looking online for nursery inspiration can be dangerous. I've found tons of pictures of perfect nurseries online and as a result, my taste for nursery stuff do I say this? expensive? particular? It's sad to see things that are so cute and perfect and then see that the particular crib you want is only $300 dollars! But, I'm finding that the harder you work the luckier you end up getting! 

 And on that note, here is the story for today: 
The Story of the Rocking Chair.

 Dan and I had been scouring KSL for upholstered glider-style rocking chairs that weren't $600 dollars like they are new. This proved to be a difficult task. Then, we saw one that looked like it might do. We called and organized a time to see it the next day. I find KSL sales to be quite awkward most of the time - I always have a hard time telling the seller no when I'm standing right next to them in their house. Dan and I decided that if it was good and I wanted to buy it, I should say that it was "perfect" and if it wasn't I would say we had a couple more to look at and we'd get back to them. 

It was an unseasonably rainy warm day for February and we drove up to Salt Lake City to check the thing out. The lady opened the door to her nice house and we went inside. It was beautiful. The decor in her house made it look like we were stepping into a magazine. We went upstairs to her little girl's room to look at the rocker. She explained that her daughter was seven now and that instead of rocking she needed to do homework and that they were building a desk in the place of the glider. Dan and I stepped in the room and the first thing I said, without even thinking, was "it's perfect". Because it was. I sat in it, it was comfortable and it was the perfect shade of green which was difficult to tell from the listing photo. I had fallen in love with a chair. 

We were walking out to move our car closer to the house to load our purchase and started making small talk with the lady. "So you're having a girl? What are you thinking of naming her?" Which is the #1 question people ask after the initial "are you having a boy or a girl" question. And while we are still mulling about names, I told her the one that's been at the top of our list for quite some time. 

"We're thinking of naming her Ruby," I said. 
"Really?!?" The lady replied. 
Dan and I were a little taken aback by her response, thinking that she didn't like the name or that it was super strange or something to her. 
"This is Ruby's chair! My daughter's name is Ruby. She'll be so happy to know that it's going to another Ruby!" 
(As if we needed another reason why this was the perfect chair?!)
"And if we didn't name her Ruby, we would have named her Lily," she went on, "But we thought that it was getting too popular" 
Oh goodness. Lily happens to be our #2 choice and that's the same reason why it's #2 for us. 

We'll have to see her before we officially select a name but, if an experience buying a chair off of KSL is any indication that you're thinking a long the right lines name-wise I guess her name is meant to be Ruby! 
Ruby's Chair! (Can you tell we're painting?)

Oh, and it's three months till little baby girl is due!  We're getting closer to the end! 


  1. I LOVE the name, and the chair!!!!

  2. Oh how sweet! I love the name Ruby :) It sounds great! That rocker is gorgeous. Who in their right mind would pay $600 for a chair? I guess not me, since I think tables off the side of the road are just perfect for me! Can't wait to see more of the nursery reveal!
