since i'm not doing monthly updates anymore, i figured it would be fun to bring back occasional ruby tuesday updates. this girl does too many cute things that i don't want to forget about!
- yesterday ruby was blowing on her little bits of peanut butter sandwich. i guess she has seen me blow on her hot foods so much she thinks that's just what you're supposed to do before you stick something in your mouth!
- we decided ruby's first official word (besides mama and dada) is dog. to say this girl loves dogs is an understatement. since it's summertime, we have the windows open and ruby hears dogs bark all day long. anytime she hears one, she'll perk up and say "dog!" and she'll point out the window. and then we usually try to take a walk to find a dog (which have been surprisingly unsuccessful lately!)
- ruby is so darn friendly. if we're outside and someone walks by, she'll wave so intensely. the sad part is, the people usually don't see her waving till they've passed her. it's so cute though.
- ruby loves the trampoline at uncle von's house. like, so much.
- we colored for the first time this week and ruby may have inherited some talent! or she just is really good at hitting things and crayons just happen to make a mark when they are hit against something.
- i'm not sure sure if this is just an extension of the dog lover thing, but ruby has started lapping up bath water. she'll bend over till her face is practically in the water and then try to drink it up. it's funny but i don't like her trying to drink soapy bath water!
- ruby is so close to walking! her goal was to be able to walk by will & brittany's wedding (which is friday) but i don't think that's going to happen.
- ruby loves dolls. we went to the disney store and she saw one of those super cute animator's collection toddler princess dolls. her eyes lit up and she was pointing and saying "ba, ba, ba". she was really unhappy when we had to put the dolly back and go home! maybe for christmas, ruby girl!
- ruby cannot figure out sippy cups. i've tried a bunch of different kinds - even ones with a straw - and she just can't seem to get the hang of them.
(all pictures by me on the front porch - I wanted to get some pictures of her new haircut!)
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