We've reached double-digits, people! Ruby is getting so big! It is a good thing she's almost one because these monthly updates are hard! I am pretty good at taking the pictures right on her birthday but getting it up on the blog is another story!
I would say the big thing with Ruby this month has been teeth! Over the last month she's had *four* top teeth come in. Pretty much all at the same time. She's been a sad, slobbery, snotty mess. But those teeth look really cute.
This month, Ruby has also discovered her love of dogs. I am not a dog lover. But we've been to four pet shops just in the last week and on countless walks to look for dogs around our neighborhood. Ruby makes this little growling noise whenever she sees a dog or we talk about one. I really should try to get that on film...
Ruby still isn't crawling. At all. She is pretty good at supporting herself by standing against the ottoman and seems to enjoy it. I half-expect her to just take off running one of these days.
Ruby has got "dadada" down! We will walk into Dan's office and I'll say "Ruby say 'Hi' to Dada!" and she'll wave and say "dadada" and then try to get all of the knick-knacks and stuff he has on his desk. Dan jokes and says that Ruby doesn't really like him, she just likes all the stuff he has. Whenever there's something she wants she'll point and say "ba". She says "ba" a lot.
Monthly Stats:
Weight - At her 9-Month Check Up, she was 16lbs 3oz. 10th percentile. (Told you she was little!) She's getting a bit heavier, I think (and looking way too grown-up).
Diapers - Officially in Costco Size 3.
Clothes - Still all over the place. She wore a 0-3 Month dress as a top this week (which was a good thing because she never wore it as a dress). I've been dressing Ruby is a lot more skirts and dresses during the week now that it's getting warmer. I love little girls in skirts! I'm thinking of sewing her some skirts because they're so simple.
Likes - DOGS, books (especially touchy-feely ones), strawberries, peas, marshmallow peeps, going outside, bathtime, anything in daddy's office that she's not supposed to touch and waving.
Dislikes - getting grown-up sized hats put on her head (seriously screamed like someone was pulling her teeth out), being in her car seat at all and anything coming in contact with her nose/nostrils.
Ruby stop growing up so fast! Where has my little baby gone!? Like, seriously:
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