Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ruby Tuesday - So Long Summer

Here's what a typical day looked like this summer: 
ruby'd wake up around 6:00 am. and have her first breakfast.  (yes, she slept for most of the summer in her swing. she's fully transitioned to her crib now, though, and things are good.)

 after first breakfast, we both go back to sleep for a bit.
at around 8:00 am, ruby wakes up and it's time for a diaper change - usually pretty frightening first thing in the morning. 
the morning light is just beautiful. after the initial change, it's time for second breakfast and good morning america.  ruby usually plays on the floor for a bit while i eat breakfast. then we both go upstairs and i take a shower and get ready while ruby hangs out in the bathroom with me in this pink bouncer thing (that's ended up being really useful!).  i usually give ruby a bath at right about this time, too.

then, if it's monday, we do laundry and go grocery shopping. if it's not monday, we hang out and have a fun day at home.  
sometimes we read books,
sometimes we have visitors, 
 and ruby usually takes a afternoon nap. i eat lunch and check my blogs and stuff.

sometimes we'll run to the library or something in the afternoon. i try to tidy up the house.

by this time, daddy is done with work and it's getting close to dinnertime. dan plays with ruby while i make dinner and then we all sit together at the dining room table to eat. ruby is a little young for her high chair, but seems to like it anyway. it reclines way back so that she can sort of sit in it.

after dinner ruby has her whiny, unhappy time of night...

 so we usually take a walk after dinner or go visit people in springville and then she's much happier.

when we get back it's time for jammies!
{this trick is called "the half roll". she's also got the foot grab down pretty well now.}
you can usually catch ruby sneaking a look at the tv if we are watching an evening show.
this girl loves the tv. it makes me pretty worried. 

then it's time to get ready for bed. which means being nursed and swaddled. and then placed in her swing (or now, crib) 
 good night ruby jane! we love you!

then, dan and i watch tv, clean up, and get ready for everything to happen all over again the next day! it's been a simple but wonderful summer. 

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing other people's routines. It's so neat how we all live different schedules :) I love Ruby's pjs. Glad you are loving life at home!
