Just a couple of things:
*Ruby celebrated her first Fourth of July! She really likes bright lights in general, so she was pretty mesmerized by the fireworks.
*Ruby has a clogged tear duct. Aunt Kris, the eye doctor, says it's not a big deal. Ruby looks a little funny with a puffy left eye though.
*Ruby had a blow out today and it got all over me. An outfit change was necessary for both of us. Gross.
*This little lady hates hates hates Relief Society. I told the other ladies sitting in the row with me how she isn't really a fan and less than five minutes later, the crying started. But It's kind of fun to go out into the hall and talk to the other people with kids out there...
*Ruby's started to make sounds other than crying like sweet little coos and she's definitely perfected the grunt.
*Gas has been our enemy recently. I've been giving Ruby baby simethicone drops to help her little tummy out and her tongue has been permanently neon pink for the last week. It's kinda cute, actually.
*Ruby's gotten a lot better at sleeping for longer stretches! Last night, she slept from 12-3:30 and then from 4-8:30. She and I even took a nice two hour nap this afternoon! I hope publicizing this doesn't jinx it for me cause I could really get used to this!
*It's been so so hot! I get so nervous about Ruby being too hot! Where do you take a little baby to cool off when temps are in the triple digits and your swamp cooler isn't cutting it?!
*Tomorrow is Dan and my 3rd Anniversary! Yay us!
Candy is a MOM?! Wow! How did I miss that?! She's perfect. Congrats!