I recently found my old camera. My parents gave it to me for my 18th birthday. Wow, that was so long ago! Anyway, the battery had been dead in it for over a year and the memory card was full.
It was kind of fun to look back at the pictures on it and see what we were up to. Our lives seemed so carefree then!
Here are a few of my favorites.
*Dan was a Guest Speaker in a Sociology Class at BYU *Annual Roommate Christmas Dinner *The Yard Work Begins *Hey, That's our house! (More on this later) *Some Vintage Christmas Pillows I made * Fresh Paint *Taking out a leaky toilet, stained carpet and installing a new toilet* Pretty much sums up my time at Red Mountain * Dan's so happy to get our dishwasher hooked up! |
*Making sure Dan doesn't fall! * Message-in-a-Cookies for our Housewarming Party * The Mercer Girls! *Mom & Elise's first trip to Cafe Rio * First photo of us and our house * Hot Air Balloons for 2011 Art City Days * Bird's nest under our porch right before eviction * Mercer Girls like LeSportsacs * Kitchen Chairs -Before &After |
Fun! Old cameras are great for looking back into the past :)
ReplyDeleteThose pretty cookies look so good!
I think it's so fun how you love lesportsca and lilly :)
I'm excited to hear the story about your house being in an advertisement! Sounds so cool.