Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ruby Tuesday 1

Five Things about Ruby:
1. She gets the hiccups more than any other baby I've ever met.
2. When she sleeps, she places her hands under her head like a model striking a pose. She's always posing until we get a camera...She's like Bigfoot. 
3. She doesn't have a "Newborn Cry". If this girl is going to cry, she is going to cry - none of this timid cooing nonsense! 
4. She has very long fingers - possible future occupations for her include: Piano Virtuoso, Basketball All-Star or Champion Softball Pitcher!
 5. She is TWO WEEKS OLD Today! How did this happen? 


  1. Yay! So glad she's here. She's beautiful! I love that last photo. Hey what's your email address? I have a question for you.

  2. Oh the biggest congratulations from Minnesota! She is just lovely Candace. I can see both you and Dan in her. What a sweetheart. Sure wish I lived in Utah so I could take photos. Enjoy new baby bliss!

  3. Congrats! So cute. Would love to hear details!:)

  4. Ruby! I already love you so much! And you are so very beautiful, like your Momma! Happy two week birthday!

  5. LOVE THIS!! I love the one where she's staring straight at the camera. Beautiful baby and pictures!

  6. Oh, she is so beautiful! Lovely photos you (and Ruby) will cherish for always! It's fun seeing you and Dan (and your guests!) on your evening walks with the little one!
