Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Dreamer of Oz

It's so weird how random things can trigger memories from your childhood. I was eating a piece of hard candy and it reminded me of one of my favorite movies as a kid, The Dreamer of Oz*. This was a made-for-TV movie that we had recorded on video that I'd watch pretty regularly during my Wizard of Oz phase.

Which, lets face it, was pretty much most of my childhood.

Anyway, I was thinking about the movie and how I had't seen it in forever. Since I'd only seen it on TV, I didn't think it was available anywhere to watch. Oh contraire!  It turns out it's a special feature on the 70th Anniversary Edition of The Wizard of Oz that Dan's Aunt Kris has! So we borrowed it and I instantly traveled down (the yellow brick) memory lane.

I love being all nostalgic and reminiscing about the good ol' days!

*Which for the record, is a totally random nonsignificant part of the movie, but it still it reminded me of it!

1 comment:

  1. This looks so cool! I would of LOVED this growing up :) There is just nothing like Oz :)
