Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kristen's Baby Shower

This past weekend, we threw a lovely little baby shower for our dear friend Kristen. She's having a little girl in just a couple of weeks. We kept it pretty simple and had a delicious brunch. Jenny made great homemade granola for our Yogurt Bar, Taryn made amazing (truly) mini quiches, and I made brown sugar bacon and muffins. It was simple and delicious. We played a few party games but the best part was just talking to everyone. Congratulations Kristen! We're so excited to meet this little baby girl! 

Kristen -The Momma-to-Be (Right) and her mom and sisters


  1. How fun! I'm sure your friend felt so loved. I cannot wait to throw my first baby shower :)

  2. super cute cards and decorations. i love the low key feel of it. great job.
