Monday, December 6, 2010

All I can say is YUM!

So Dan's mom put me in charge of planning Christmas Dinner this year. I plan the menu. We shop together and then we make it together. I think it will be fun! I've started doing some research on what kind of food to have. You would not believe the time I am having. It is nearly impossible to find Christmas foods that are not some form of cookies or eggnog. And while I love both of those, I'm kind of at a loss for what kind of real food to have.  I will keep thinking and researching but in the meantime, here is one dessert possibility I found that looks so delectable I had to share it with all of you! 

Brownie Covered Oreos. Yep. They look amazing.


  1. why would someone invent these? im going to be huge this christmas already!

  2. Oh I love fun things to do with oreos :) Yummy!

  3. oh goodness. i just discovered picky palatte today. awesome. oh and you should DEFINITELY write another post soon. please?
